Details Emerge From MSU Band Director Suspension
According to a report from The State News, the student who was sexually harassed by Michigan State's Band Director John T. Madden is not returning to Michigan State.
On February 20th of last year, Madden texted a female member of the band while guest conducting in Ohio. The female band member was participating in "The Huddle", an annual event for the marching band.
“Pics of your dress are required … discretely of course,” the text read.
The young woman responded, but with a group photo of several band members in their formal outfits.
“Just finished conducting gig,” Madden responded. “Having a couple of beers at a local bar … sorry for being a creepy texter."
He later apologized to the band member in his office and cited that he had been drinking and was going through marital issues
The student did report a complaint to MSU and it was later decided that Madden did violate university terms.
His punishment was an eight-day unpaid suspension starting May 27 last year and a three-month delay in his promotion to full professor. He was also barred from attending "The Huddle" in 2017 and a band director's conference.
The band member chose to finish her classes off-campus according to a statement from her lawyers.
“Students should always come first," the victim's lawyer said. “She was made completely vulnerable by someone who she trusted and who was in a position of power over her.”