An Open Letter To The Mad Dog From Brock
Well, today (May 13th) is the final show for David "Mad Dog" DeMarco (seen above) on The Game 730 AM WVFN. After 26 years on the air in Mid-Michigan, he has decided to leave "The Mad Dog Show" and enter semi-retirement in Alabama.
I figured I would take today to pay tribute to the man who helped me get back into radio when I needed help back in early 2002.

When he told me that he was leaving Lansing for Alabama back on January 10th, I was surprised, but not shocked. Surprised that he would leave the air at the height (or near-height) of his popularity. But not shocked because at a certain point in everyone's career (no matter what your career is), there comes a point that you just don't want to do it anymore. And that's for a variety of reasons.
There's a lot more to doing this occupation than just being on the air. People still don't understand that. In his case, he's been heavily involved in the sales aspect of radio since coming back to WVFN in 2006. That takes a lot of effort EVERY SINGLE DAY to do his job effectively. I know I couldn't do it.
In addition to that, it also takes a lot of work to book guests on a daily basis as well as keep up with everything else in the world of sports so you sound informed when you hit the air at 3:00pm every day. Folks, THAT'S NOT EASY!!!
And at a certain point, you just have to stop for your own health and sanity. And Dave has reached that point in his life after 26 years. He's now a member of the Greater Lansing Sports Hall of Fame, which I wrote about last summer. He now has more time to go fishing (which he loves to do, but never has enough time to do), play golf, and just RELAX!!!!!!
I only wish Dave happiness in his semi-retirement. That's all. For the effort he's put into everything, he certainly deserves it. I'll see him when he comes back to Lansing every so often, and I'll have to make a trip or two to Alabama to see his new home.
Congrats, Dave on a great career!!! This isn't goodbye, it's "I'll see you down the road."