Cedar Bluff, Alabama Here We Come!
On May 17, my wife, doggie and stepson Tony are going to be moving us to our brand new home in Cedar Bluff, Alabama. My stepson is coming from Dallas to help with the 11-hour drive to our new destination. This is going to be a life game-changer.
Last week I announced I will walk away from my Mad Dog Show after 26 years on the radio. A lot of people have been just wonderful with their sentiments. But it had to happen. My last day will be on May 13, and we will be doing the show from 3-6 at One North Bar and Grill on Saginaw in Delta Township. You need to put it on your calendar.

So, a little about the Cedar Bluff, Alabama area. This is a very spiritual and Civil War historic area. It’s two hours from Atlanta, close to Rome, Georgia, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. It's two and a half hours from Nick Saban and Tuscaloosa and an hour and a half from Huntsville, too. Don’t be fooled by this move, there are a lot of wonderful towns and cities by us. Weiss Lake is right across the street from us and is absolutely breathtaking with the best Crappie fishing in Alabama.
Also close to us is Centre, Leesburg, Fort Payne and Gadsden, Alabama. That city is where former AD of MSU Clarence Underwood was born. They dedicated a park in his name just a few months ago in Gadsden.
I know this is going to be sad for me and my wife to leave, but this is such a wonderful move for our future. Thank you to everyone for everything. Mark your calendars again for May 13 and get to One North Bar and Grill for my last show in the Mid-Michigan area.