If You Have Any of These Jobs In Michigan, I’m Kind of Jealous of You
Photo by Jessica Weiller on Unsplash
There are so many cool professions out there that I'd personally love to have pursued in another life. Don't get me wrong though, this is my 10th year in radio and with everyday I continue to learn, grow and appreciate the profession I have. After working in a kitchen for 15 years of my life, I wake up everyday doing what I love and feel excited about coming into work. But to be honest there are still some professions out there that I low-key am jealous of others having.
Like when it's a really nice day outside and I'm inside doing work, there are other people whose profession allows them to be outside and in turn requires them to be. Sometimes it can drive you a little stir crazy being indoors all day. There are also jobs which, granted there is still some work to be done, but they're surrounded by passions and things they love as well, which requires no special knowledge other than the love for their passions.
I'd like to walk you through some of the selections of jobs that we have in Michigan that I kind of wish I could do at least once a day. Not because working as a content creator and on air personality is dull (far from it), but it would be fun to shake things up once in a while. If you or anyone you know has any of the following jobs, I wanna hear from you or them and let me know if it's everything I imagine it to be.