Baseball Hall of Fame Voting is for the Birds
Yesterday "Big Papi” David Ortiz was voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame by baseball writers and anyone who had a vote. He was the lone wolf who got in. This has become ridiculous to the point of a sham.
Listen, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens both did not get into the Hall again. This is a joke! These voters are holding these two back because of the steroid era. Listen, I understand that steroids and PEDS were done by MLB players in epidemic proportions, but Bonds and Clemens were exonerated in a court of law. Plus, there was no steroid policy when these guys played. Which is totally different from when AROD and Manny Ramirez played and were busted.
Oh yeah, let’s not forget Pete Rose and “Shoeless” Joe Jackson not getting in because of their dealings in the gambling world. But Bonds and Clemens have been screwed for years. Both players were bristly towards the media and old and new media people have held this against them.

The voting has turned into a popularity contest. For example, former ESPN host Dan LeBatard gave his Hall of Fame vote to either Dead Spin or TMZ as a joke. The Baseball Hall of Fame has to buckle down and have more guidance on who votes and the way they vote.
Again Bonds and Clemens got the shaft. They will get in but not until the Veterans Committee votes them in. You must have 75% of the vote and Bonds and Clemens have come up short every year. Please tell me your thoughts on this situation. It’s not right!
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