Abandoned Air Force Base, Port Austin, Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
The abandoned Port Austin Air Force Station sits within the tip of the Michigan Thumb in Huron County, 1½ miles south of Port Austin. Thanks to the start of the Korean War in July 1950, the 754th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron was activated in November of that year. Part of a string of twenty-eight such stations, this unit was originally set up at Oscoda’s air force base.
It was moved to Port Austin in July 1951 after the new station was constructed.
The station was used “to guide interceptor aircraft toward unidentified intruders picked up on the unit's radar scopes”.
Over the years, radar equipment was moved out, moved in, out, in, over and over again and they kept updating. The station took its last gasp on September 30, 1988 when it closed down and the staff moved to Canton.
The drone photos and footage show the grounds are kept maintained very well. This appears to be one of those abandoned places that no one has gotten into to record or take footage…which is probably for the best. Any abandoned, deserted, or empty military places are known for not being safe or public-friendly. So the next best thing is to take a look at the gallery below and – for now – imagine what the insides look like. You very possibly may be able to see them sometime in the future.
Abandoned Port Austin Air Force Base