11-Year-Old Basketball Prodigy’s Moves Will Deke You Out of Your Shoes
Noah Cutler is better at basketball than you will be at anything you ever do.
The 11-year-old Leesburg, Va. boy has become an internet sensation for his stupendous basketball talents. Notably, he has a real knack for mimicking the great Steph Curry.
Ironically, Noah's favorite player isn't even Curry -- it's John Wall of the Wizards.
Noah, who has a whopping 76,000 followers on Instagram, has only been playing for two years, but has already showed he's got a killer instinct, telling BuzzFeed, "Someone smiled at me because I'm small. Then I squared on him."
Give Noah's family credit, too, for not putting any pressure on him. Even though he says he'd like to play in college and then professionally, his dad says, "We're all committed to it as long as he’s on board. If he picked up an art brush and said he wanted to start painting, then we'd go along with that."