I keep hearing all this noise who has the best pizza in the area. There are so many styles and flavors of pizza in the world. In, the Mid-Michigan area there are restaurants, bars, deli's, pub's, and many other outlets for pizza. People who know me or are a relative know of my families restaurant DeMarco's. It was in business for over 75 years. But, in this day and age there are hundreds of pizza places.

Pizza is the universal staple. People, like it thin crust and thick crust. They like Chicago style, New York style and California style. People like a lot of meat or vegetables and a mixture of both. Or, tons of sauce and cheese and everything but the kitchen sink on it.

Some people like uncooked pizzas to take home and doctor up. In the Mid-Michigan area there are many great places to get pizza.I don't want to list them this time, because I will make someone mad If I leave someone out. I really can't believe in this day and age how many variations there are of pizza. People love it all. Pizza is a$30 billion per year industry. There are approximately 61,269 pizzerias in the United States. Each man, woman and child in America eats an average of 46 slices (23 pounds) of pizza a year. I know pizza, I made enough of them in my life.

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